Struggling with SEO? conversions? bounce rate? not sure if it's the best?
Struggling with SEO? conversions? bounce rate? not sure if it's the best?
Receive a detailed review in PDF and recommendations of your website
Receive a detailed review in PDF and recommendations of your website

Get report for $40

127 websites reviewed in the last week

127 websites reviewed in the last week

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Receive a detailed analysis and insight into UI and UX improvements specifically to help your website get better results.

Analyzed by AI

Our AI has been built and trained by designers. It goes further than aesthetics, it focuses on how to optimise the layout, copy and graphics so that it is best for the users when navigating your website.

Results in -24hrs

Yep! it's fast. The AI takes this time analyzing your website and it's SEO to give you the best review, as well as a sign-off by a senior designer.

Recent testimonies from our customers
Recent testimonies from our customers

"I wasn't sure to get it but now i'm happy that i took the decision to get my report, now i'm working on fixing all the issues i had with my website"

— Carla

"I wasn't sure to get it but now i'm happy that i took the decision to get my report, now i'm working on fixing all the issues i had with my website"

— Carla

"Hue report helped me to figured out so many mistakes I had on my website, totally worth it"

— David

"Hue report helped me to figured out so many mistakes I had on my website, totally worth it"

— David

"The report is good, I have passed it on to the design team to get their feedback!"

— Esteban

"The report is good, I have passed it on to the design team to get their feedback!"

— Esteban

"I was honestly a bit unsure about what to expect from the report, but it's exceeded my expectations! I've already forwarded it to our design team, and we're all excited to dive into these suggestions. Great job!"

— Marc

"I was honestly a bit unsure about what to expect from the report, but it's exceeded my expectations! I've already forwarded it to our design team, and we're all excited to dive into these suggestions. Great job!"

— Marc

"I received the report and i loved it!, currently working on adding the improvements to the website."

— Moyo

"I received the report and i loved it!, currently working on adding the improvements to the website."

— Moyo

I just got my hands on the report, and I have to say I'm really impressed! It's like having a roadmap for our website's success. Can't wait to start making those improvements. Thanks a million!

— Melissa

I just got my hands on the report, and I have to say I'm really impressed! It's like having a roadmap for our website's success. Can't wait to start making those improvements. Thanks a million!

— Melissa

Get your website report for $40